Aweil and much of the United States have similar growing seasons. In May, we'll begin planting a variety of crops that we hope will thrive in the sandy soil and hot climate. We'll be introducing yams, cotton, different varieties of beans and cabbage. Not only will we be attempting new crops, but will also introduce the Ethiopian style of plowing with a simple ox plow made from local materials. Please pray for the training of the animals and local farmers in the upcoming weeks.
Neighborhood children are learning how to read their mother tongue! We praise God for the forty students that continue to attend bible literacy classes four days a week. Pray they would persevere and succeed in reading by the end of the program in July.
Praise God for a couple new men who have volunteered to review the bible translation. Pray for more willing Dinka to commit themselves to this very important work that we may print a trial and distribute to local Christians.
