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Two Months In

My first two months in South Sudan have been a wonderful time of language and culture learning, developing relationships with the Dinka people and adjusting to village life.  I'm living in a tukul (mud hut), cooking on charcoal, and whizzing around on a motorbike from village to village.  South Sudan is an amazing place!

God is continually faithful as He meets my needs and the needs of those around me.  I've seen him answer prayer again and again through provision for safety, softening the hearts of the locals, teaching and discipleship opportunities and healing the sick. 

Please pray for me and the direction of Nhomlaau as the Lord shows me needs that we can meet.  Over the last couple months, the need for girls' education is becoming more and more apparent.  Most girls do not attend school and their minds are understimulated.  They have difficulty socializing and even carrying on conversations.  There is a stark difference in the behavior of the girls compared to the boys in my village.  Pray that parents would see the necessity of sending their daughters to school.


Most children are also undernourished.  One such boy, Maiwen, his belly extended and full of worms, his arms and legs merely skin and bones comes into my home on a regular basis.  His teeth covered in plaque and his finger nails long and full of dirt, he says to me, "Shannon, I am hungry."  My eyes fill up as I grasp the seriousness of his statement.  I often laughed it off when an American child told me he was hungry, since I knew he just ate a few hours ago (or maybe less!) and would soon eat again.  Maiwen is truly hungry, if not starving. 

The week of December 15th, I had the opportunity to teach the youth, along with other leaders, at a yearly conference. It was a great time of fellowship and many topics were covered including Christian marriage and family, holiness, work ethic, serving, etc.  The youth were encouraged and challenged to take up their cross and follow Christ with everything and in everything.  

On December 23rd, I came to Nairobi, Kenya for medical treatment for multiple parasites and infectious bacteria, causing moderate joint pain in my hands and feet.  I am currently being treated and hope to be back in South Sudan by the end of the month.  Please pray for a speedy and complete recovery so that I may return to the work in my village. 

Thank you so much for partnering with Nhomlaau in sharing the Gospel and demonstrating Christ's love to the Dinka of South Sudan.  To God be the glory!

For His Name's sake,


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